Sunday, December 28, 2008

December 28, 2008 Historic Moment

Did you know.... An end of the year Final Note. It was 250 years ago, in an age so very different and indeed so much more difficult than 2008, when a small group of men and women "envisioned" New Hackensack Reformed Church. Proverbs 29:18 states... "Where there is no vision, the people perish." If you have taken a moment to read each of these "Did you Know?" vignettes that have been in our weekly bulletin for every week of our 250 year-long celebration, you will have learned about the "vision" of all of those who have preceed us and who continue to serve us today. We pray that the vision of our current congregation continues to grow and nourish New Hackensack Reformed Church for the next 250 years.

December 28, 2008 Remembrance

Pulpit Bible, RSV, Dedicated June 18, 1961. Donors: Mrs. G. B. Mershon, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Burroughs and Mr. & Mrs. William Mann in loving memory of Mrs. Martha Brinckerhoff.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

December 21, 2008 Historic Moment

Did you know.... In early 2002, The Reverend Keith W. Tamlyn was installed as our pastor and he continues in his service to New Hackensack to this date. Under his guidance and with his strong encouragement, our Parish Health Ministry became a powerful part of our mission. In addition, Rev. Tamlyn encouraged the establishment of the Stephen Ministry program nad has been a driving force behind our "Circle of Life" Garden. He continues to lead and to guide us into the next phase for this glorious and magnificent church.

December 21, 2008 Remembrance

New Kimball Church Organ.... Given in memory of the Rev. Delmer Cooper, pastor from 1943 to 1956, dedicated on February 7, 1960.

Monday, December 15, 2008

December 14, 2008 Historic Moment

Did you know.... Under the leadership of Rev. James Neevel, NHRC purchased "Gleneagles", a domiciliary care facility? It quickly became a very important part of our mission ministry. In addition, Rev. Neevel presided over the design, building and fundraising of our $3.1M present-day sanctuary, which was dedicated on Sunday, January 22, 1990 with both national and local government leaders present. Rev. Neevel retired in 2000 and was recently honored by the granting of "Pastor Emeritus, New Hackensack Reformed Chruch" by the Classis and the Consistory of New Hackensack, a first in the history of our church.

December 14, 2008 Remembrance

Two brass flower vases.... Donated by Mrs. Lilian Lieban, for the King's Daughters, in loving memory of her mother, Ilana Berger. (No date on page.)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

November 30, 2008 Historic Moment

Did you know.... During the pastorate of Rev. William Babinsky the Christian Education Building (our current education and Sunday School classrooms) was completed and three additional and separate capital fund campaigns yielded a total of more than $500,000 (in 1967-1970 dollars!!!!). But perhaps, as important as that was, his legacy was the leadership and vitality he instilled in to our church. "He brought out the best in us, he made us better church people." On May 31, 1974 Rev. Babinsky resigned from his pastorate with us.